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Submission Guidelines

The Fantastika Remit

Here at Fantastika Journal, we are interested in the genres of Fantasy, Science Fiction, Gothic Horror, Alternate History, or any other radically imaginative narrative space. We accept scholarly articles and reviews of fiction and non-fiction works for anything that falls under this remit.


General submissions are currently closed, but if you have a submission that you think the journal would be interested in then please email us at with an overview of your article and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


Details of our upcoming special issues will be posted on our call for papers page.


We commission fiction and non-fiction reviews throughout the year for texts that were published roughly within the last year. If you would like to review a Fantastika text (of any medium or format) then let us know by emailing

Quick FAQ: Citation Styles and Word Counts

Please submit all articles and reviews using our House Style Guide. Note that our House Style is an adaptation of MLA 9.


- Articles should be 5000-7000 words.
- Fiction reviews should be 1000-1500 words.
- Non-fiction reviews should be 1500-2000 words.


Note that footnotes and works cited are included in the word count.

Articles Submission & Peer Review Process

We invites all articles with a clear, strong, and original contribution to Fantastika research.


All articles must be accompanied by a 300-word abstract and a 100 word bionote. Please submit these in separate documents. Articles and abstracts must be anonymized.


Following submission, you should receive an email from the editors within a few weeks acknowledging receipt. All articles will be reviewed first by our internal editorial board in order to ensure that they meet our word count requirements and that they contain a clearly defined argument relevant to the Fantastika remit.


If your article passes internal review, we will then proceed to send it out for external peer review to 2-3 reviewers. We follow a double-blind peer review process. Once we receive the peer review reports, the head editors and the editor assigned to the piece meet to discuss next steps.



Internal Peer Review: 2-3 weeks

Finding Volunteers to Review: 2-3 weeks

External Peer Review: 4-6 weeks

Editorial Board Review: 2 weeks

Review Submissions

If you would like to volunteer to review a work for Fantastika Journal, please contact us to arrange a commission or to register as a regular reviewer. Send us an email at with your research interests and a brief note on your prior experience and/or credentials. We prefer reviews of works that have been published/released within the last year or are due to be published/released in the next 6 months.


Non-Fiction Reviews

The Editors work together with major publishing houses in order to obtain a free copy of academic works for review. We have a list of monographs and edited collections that we'd like to review each year but are also open to accepting suggestions for other works from our regular reviewers.


Fiction Reviews

We accept reviews of all types of media in the Fantastika genres including novels, anthologies, graphic novels, film and television, video games, plays, art exhibitions. Note that we are not able to provide free copies of products or tickets to events at this time.

The Fine Print

All our articles are Open Access and free to access immediately from the date of publication. We do not charge our authors any fees for publication or processing, nor do we charge readers to download articles. Fantastika Journal operates under the Creative Commons Licence CCBY-NC. This allows for the reproduction of articles for non-commercial uses, free of charge, only with the appropriate citation information. All rights belong to the author.


All authors are responsible for confirming that they follow copyright laws where relevant, including obtaining permissions for any images. We do not provide any financial reimbursement for purchasing copyright.


If you are submitting images, please send them in separate files in jpeg format labelled as Fig 1, Fig 2, etc. Do not embed the image into your submission; instead, replace with text such as "Figure 1 here".


Review copies, when offered, are provided in good faith. If you are the recipient of a review copy, it is imperative that you are prepared to submit drafts in a timely fashion and work with our editors until they are satisfied that your piece is ready for publication. If the review cannot be completed, it is the reviewer's responsibility to return their review copy to the journal.


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